Multiple sequence alignment of the predicted AbGH16 protein with other GH16 proteins. Six nematode GH16 proteins in Aphelenchoides besseyi isolates NJ (AbGH16-1; AWH98111), R1 (AbGH16-2, ARD05880), and Fm (ARD05881), and in Halicephalobus sp. (KAE9549822, KAE9555931, KAE9549822, and five GH16s in the fungal species including Capronia epimyces (XP_016224388), Emmonsia crescens (PGH36908), Exophiala xenobiotica (XP_013314421), Fonsecaea nubica (XP_022496328), Phialophora americana (KIW68755) were aligned by MAFFT. The red box indicates catalytic residues, the blue arrow refers to EXDXXE active sites of GH16 protein, and the green line indicates the LamG domain.