Scheme of Si NWs synthesis by silver salt single step MACE: (a) Ag precipitation from the HF/AgNO3 solution onto the Si surface, (b) Ag dendrites and Si NW formation, (c) Ag dendrites removal by nitric acid. Cross-section SEM of Si NW realized onto p-type (111) by HF/AgNO3 single step MACE for 30 min, (d) during Ag dendrites formation, and (e) after its removal [76]. (f) SEM plan view of Si NWs produced by HF/KAuCl4 synthesis after 30 s [80]. (d,e) ref. [76] are reproduced with permission, Copyright 2006, John Wiley and Sons. (f) ref. [80] is reproduced with permission, Copyright 2005, John Wiley and Sons.