Concentrations of lactose, glucose and myo-inositol in DHM before (raw) and after HTST treatment for 5 (5 s), 10 (10 s), 15 (15 s), 20 (20 s) and 25 (25 s) seconds or HoP (62.5 °C, 30 min; HoP) (n = 10). Lactose, glucose, and myo-inositol concentrations were determined by GC. The height of the box indicates the IQR, the horizontal line in the box represents the median concentration value and the cross represents the mean concentration value. Data were grouped according to the duration of the HTST treatment before being analyzed using repeated measures one-way ANOVA including treatment (raw, HTST with different dura-tion of treatment and HoP) as fixed effects. * Asterisks indicate significant differences in pairwise comparisons between raw and heat-treated (HTST treatment for different durations or Holder pasteurized) DHM (post hoc Dunnett’s tests at the 95% confidence level). DHM, donor human milk; HoP, Holder pasteurization; HTST, high-temperature short-time.