Schematic representation of current knowledge of cytokinin signalling. The transmembrane cytokinin receptors (histidine kinases) auto-phosphorylate in the presence of cytokinins and subsequently transfer the phosphate to the histidine phosphotransfer proteins (AHPs). However, in the absence of cytokinins, AHK4 has phosphatase activity and dephosphorylates all AHPs. The transfer is inhibited by AHP6, which has a substitution of the conserved Asp for Asn. AHP2,3 and 5 are rapidly dephosphorylated by ARR22. The AHPs transfer the phosphate group to type-B response regulators, which work as transcription factors. One of their targets are type-A response regulators, which inhibit the phosphotransfer from AHPs to type-B RRs. The conserved residues are marked (H—histidine; D—aspartate; N—asparagine). The phosphate group is marked by a P contained in a red circle. The extracytosolic CHASE domains are shown in green, kinase domains are shown in grey, and receiver and receiver-like domains are respectively shown in violet (marked with a D) and light blue (no D).