Figure 3. HBEGF mimicked FGF23 function on targeted gene expression in WT mice.
50 ng/g, 250 ng/g and 500 ng/g body weight of rhHBEGF 1 h administration in 8-week old female WT mice robustly induced kidney expression of (A) Egr1 mRNA, with a higher induction in 250 and 500 ng/g groups. (B) Cyp24a1 mRNA increased in 250 ng/g and 500 ng/g dosage groups and had a significantly increase in 500 ng/g compared to 250 ng/g. There were no significant changes in (C) Cyp27b1. rhHBEGF or saline was injected into KL-null mice and compared to WT littermates. 1-hour post-treatment, rhHBEGF administration markedly increased (D) Egr1 mRNA expression (184-fold, P<0.01). (E) Cyp24a1 mRNA, modestly elevated in KL-null mice, demonstrated a further increase in KL-null HBEGF injected mice (10-fold, P<0.01). In the KL-null group, (F) Cyp27b1 mRNA was 13-fold higher compared to WT-saline injected mice (P<0.01) and were partially corrected to 5-fold after rhHBEGF treatment (P<0.01) (*P<0.05, **P<0.01 versus saline control mice. ##P<0.01 versus 50 ng/g rhHBEGF or KL-null saline treated mice. $ P<0.05, versus 250 ng/g rhHBEGF. N=4–6. ‘Sal’, saline. ‘KL’, KL-null).