Figure 5. HBEGF activity on 1,25D processing enzymes in vitro.
(A) HEK-mKL cells and HEK293 cells were treated with 500 ng/ml rhFGF23 or rhHBEGF respectively for 15-min and then collected for immunoblot analysis, and probed with phospho-ERK1/2, total ERK, phospho-EGFR and total EGFR. HEK293 cells treated with 500 ng/ml rhHBEGF for 24 h had a 25-fold increase of (B) EGR1 mRNA in concert with significantly raised (C) CYP24A1 mRNA, and no changes in CYP27B1 mRNA compared to the saline control (D). HEK-mKL cells were treated with 500 ng/ml rhFGF23 for 24 h and showed significantly increased EGR1 (E) and CYP24A1(F), and a decreased CYP27B1 mRNA level (G). HBEGF mRNA expression was significantly elevated after rhFGF23 treatment (H) (*P<0.05, **P<0.01 versus control group. N=5. ‘Ctrl’, control. ‘mKL’, HEK-mKL).