Representative images of the area of the microglial cells (A–D) and the arbor area (E,F) in the wild type (A,C,E) and SOD1G93A (B,D,F) groups. The area of microglial cells was significantly larger in the SOD1G93A group (B,D) than in the wild type (A,C) in both OPL (A,B) and ILC (C,D), because both the soma and the processes were thicker. The arbor area was larger in the SOD1G93A group (F) than in the wild type group (E), but the difference was only significant in the inferior sector of the OPL. The increase in the arbor area is demonstrated by the larger size of the polygons due to the longer processes. Outer plexiform layer (OPL), and inner layer complex (ILC) (constituted by an inner plexiform layer and a nerve fiber–ganglion cell layer). Number of retinas used in the experiment, WT: n = 6; and SOD1G93A: n = 6.