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. 2021 Feb 5;13(4):635. doi: 10.3390/cancers13040635

Table 1.

Patient characteristics.

Variable n (%) or Median (Range) p
Total Cohort De Ritis Ratio Low De Ritis Ratio High
Patient count 125 36 89
Age in years 66 (35–87) 59 (37–80) 69 (35–87) <0.001
 Age >66 years 65 (52%) 8 (22%) 57 (64%) <0.001
 Age ≤66 years 60 (48%) 28 (78%) 32 (36%)
Sex 0.42
 Men 79 (63%) 25 (69%) 54 (61%)
 Women 46 (37%) 11 (31%) 35 (39%)
ECOG score 0.68
 0 90 (72%) 28 (78%) 62 (70%)
 1 33 (26%) 8 (22%) 25 (28%)
 2 2 (2%) - 2 (2%)
Charlson comorbidity index (CCI) 1 (0–7) 1 (0–7) 1 (0–6) 0.94
Primary location 0.57
 Gastrointestinal 64 (51%) 22 (61%) 42 (47%)
 Pancreatic 30 (24%) 8 (22%) 22 (25%)
 Pulmonal 11 (9%) 2 (6%) 9 (10%)
 CUP 20 (16%) 4 (11%) 16 (18%)
Metastatic disease 124 (99%) 36 (100%) 88 (99%)
Metastatic spread
 Hepatic 119 (95%) 32 (89%) 87 (98%) 0.057
 Lymphonodal 104 (83%) 25 (69%) 79 (89%) 0.016
 Osseous 51 (41%) 12 (33%) 39 (44%) 0.32
 Peritoneal 24 (19%) 4 (11%) 20 (23%) 0.21
 Pulmonal 6 (5%) 2 (6%) 4 (5%) 1.0
Functional tumor 42 (34%) 11 (31%) 31 (35%) 0.68
Hedinger syndrome 5 (4%) 1 (3%) 4 (5%) 1.0
Grading 0.65
 G1 24 (19%) 5 (14%) 19 (21%)
 G2 95 (76%) 29 (81%) 66 (74%)
 G3 6 (5%) 2 (6%) 4 (5%)
Laboratory parameters
Chromogranin A in μg/L 612
 Chromogranin A >204 μg/L 93 (74%) 23 (64%) 70 (79%) 0.11
 Chromogranin A ≤204 μg/L 32 (26%) 13 (36%) 19 (21%)
AST in U/L 29 (13–139) 30 (20–84) 28 (13–139) 0.34
ALT in U/L 28 (10–132) 46 (23–122) 23 (10–132) <0.001
De Ritis ratio 1.09
Number of PRRT cycles 3 (1–6) 3 (1–5) 3 (1–6) 0.084
Previous treatment
 Operative resection 78 (62%) 22 (61%) 56 (63%) 0.84
 Somatostatin analogues 87 (70%) 20 (56%) 67 (75%) 0.034
 mTOR inhibitor 24 (19%) 9 (25%) 15 (17%) 0.32
 Tyrosine kinase inhibitor 7 (6%) 3 (8%) 4 (5%) 0.41
 Chemotherapy 38 (30%) 10 (28%) 28 (32%) 0.83
 Local ablative therapy 10 (8%) 2 (6%) 8 (9%) 0.72
 Radiation therapy 6 (5%) 1 (3%) 5 (6%) 0.67
 Transcatheter arterial
9 (7%) 3 (8%) 6 (7%) 0.72

Patient characteristics are provided for the total cohort and separated for patients with low or high De Ritis ratio (>0.927), respectively. Both subgroups were compared using Fisher’s exact test or Wilcoxon rank-sum test.