Carb-LL37, unlike cit-LL37, binds DNA and activates pDCs and B-cells. (a,b) EMSA, performed with carb-LL37 (a) and cit-LL37 (b), to show binding to DNA on a 2% agarose gel. Representative experiments of 3-to-5 performed. (c) Purified pDCs were stimulated with different μM concentrations of carb-LL37, cit-LL37 or native LL37 pre-complexed with human DNA (the peptides alone and DNA alone induced no IFN-α response, therefore they are not reported in the picture). (d) Carb-LL37-, cit-LL37- and native LL37-DNA complexes or each peptides alone, were used to stimulate the differentiation of memory B-cells into plasma cells over a 7 days culture (in the presence of 50 UI/mL of hrIL-2). Percent of plasma-cells (CD19−CD27highCD38high cells) was evaluated by flow cytometry. Cumulative data relative to 4-to-7 different experiments. Horizontal bars are the means; vertical bars are standard error of the mean; p-values by Student’s t test for paired samples.