Table 2.
Potential Systemic Inflammatory Biomarkers.
Biomarker | Unfavorable | Univariate Value | Multivariate Value | Impact | Design | Number of Patients/Range |
Cut-Off Value | References | |
WBC count | High | HR: N.S.-1.9 | HR: N.S.-2.3 | All prog | All R | 84–363 | 8.1–15.6 109/L/8.3 109/L * | [102,103,107,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117] | |
Lymphocytes | Low | N.S.-N.R. | N.S. | All prog | All R | 105–285 | 1.27–2.0 109/L | [102,114,117] | |
Monocyte count | High | HR: N.R.-4.0 | HR: N.S.-2.7 | All prog | All R | 105–667 | 0.55 109/L | [43,102,114] | |
M-CSF | High | HR: 1.6 | HR: N.S | Prog | R | 36 | 1120 | [79] | |
Neutrophil count | High | HR: N.S.-N.R. | HR: N.S. | All prog | All R | 105–285 | 5.3–5.89 109/L | [102,114,117] | |
Platelet count | High | HR: N.S-2.1 | HR: N.S.-2.1 | All prog | All R | 84–363 | 300–450 g/L, 400 109/L * | [102,103,107,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118] | |
NLR | High | HR: N.S.-2.3 | HR: N.S.-2.7 | All prog | All R | 30–285 | 3 and 5/5 * | [102,103,104,109,110,111,112,113,119,120,121] | |
NLR normalization after treatment | No | HR: N.R.-2.2 | All prog | All R | 66–69 | Decline to 5 | [109,111] | ||
LMR | Low | HR: N.R. | HR: N.S.-1.8 | All prog | All R | 105–283 | 2.36–2.74 | [102,114,122] | |
PLR | High | HR: N.R.-1.5 | HR: N.S. | All prog | All R | 105–285 | 144–300 | [102,103,114] | |
CRP | High | HR: N.S-2.8 | HR: N.S.-2.7 | All prog and [11] pred | All R | 115–363 | 10–50 mg/L/10 mg/L* | [11,102,103,115,116,123] | |
CAR | High | HR: N.S.-2.6 | HR: N.S.-2.1 | All prog | All R | 100–201 | 0.58 and 7.5, 0.58 * | [102,104,124] | |
mGPS | High | HR: N.R. | HR: 2.6 | Prog | R | 132 | 1 | [103] | |
Fibrinogen | High | HR: 2.1 | HR: 1.8 | Prog and pred | R | 176 | 750 mg/dL | [10] | |
Albumin | Low | HR: N.R.-1.5 | HR: N.S.-1.8 | All prog | All R | 97–278 | 35–40 g/L, 35 g/L * | [102,103,114,125] | |
C4d | High | HR: 7.3 high vs. low | HR: 0.3 low vs. high | Prog | R | 30 | 1.5 µg/mL | [8] | |
Activin A | High | HR: 0.4 | HR: 0.4 | Prog | R | 119 | 574.0 pg/mL | [55] | |
sPD-L1 | High | HR: N.R. | H.R.: N.S. | Prog | P | 40 | 0.07–1.83 ng/mL measured at 4 timepoints during therapy | [15] |
BC white blood cell, M-CSF macrophage colony stimulating factor, NLR neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, LMR lympho-cyte-to-monocyte ratio, PLR platelet-to-lymphocyte ratio, IL-6 interleukin 6, CRP C-reactive protein, CAP CRP-to-Albumin ratio, mGPS modified Glasgow prognostic score, C4d Circulating complement component 4d, sPD-L1 soluble programmed cell death ligand 1, HR hazard ratio, N.R. not reported, N.S. not significant, Prog prognostic bi-omarker, Pred predictive biomarker, R retrospective, P prospective, * most frequently used cut-off value.