Figure 2.
Representative rod PIII, rod PII and cone PII amplitudes of tonabersat with probenecid, probenecid and saline injected light-damaged rats. Rod PIII amplitude recovery is shown for the tonabersat with probenecid group (a) and probenecid alone (b). Rod PII amplitudes were also calculated for the tonabersat with probenecid group (c) and probenecid alone (d). The post-photoreceptor cone PII amplitude for the tonabersat with probenecid group is shown in (e) as is probenecid alone (f). The tonabersat and probenecid treated group showed a significantly recovered OP summed amplitude transiently at 1 week post-treatment (g) whereas the probenecid alone treated group showed greater improvement over time with significantly recovered OP summed amplitudes at 1 week and 2 weeks (h). Overall, both treatments resulted in the recovery of retinal function but probenecid showed a faster recovery of inner retinal function at 1 week and greater recovery of the OPs. Statistical analysis was conducted using one-way ANOVA, followed by post-hoc test. Abbreviations: Ton = tonabersat, Pro = probenecid; * refers to significant values in comparison with saline-treatment: * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001.