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. 2021 Feb 10;18(4):1717. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18041717
Telephone Coaching—Praised Intervention Comments
Review current activity levels and PrAISED goals and agree which goals can continue.
Form a plan on what participant can do within the current restrictions e.g., if a walking goal, they are able to walk outside once a day staying 2 metres away from others (non-family), walk in the garden, use the stairs.
Put unachievable goals impacted by COVID restrictions ‘on hold’.
Identify Activities They Enjoy
Think about which regular activities are most important to participant; ones that they are doing during the day. What are the important elements to these?
Can you adapt them for the PrAISED programme to carry out in the home? For example, instead of a class, following an online strength and balance routine.
Think about whether the participant’s needs to feel competent and autonomous are being met.
Are they using all the space available to them, i.e., garden or hobby in spare room?
Routines provide structure and purpose.
Establish a daily routine with the participant and set daily goals to provide purpose and a sense of achievement. This might include working through that list of things they have been meaning to do but never get round to.
Can you help them build activities or exercise into habits which will help them continue longer term?
Establish a balance of a weekly routine so they have a good mix of work (activities that have to be done), rest and leisure.
Provide them with a weekly plan if appropriate.
Exercise Programme
Are they able to continue with the exercise programme you have previously provided?
Do they need to identify support with this either a member of the household or a family member that can do via technology?
Are they able to continue with balance, strength and dual tasking activities?
If not can you encourage them to do activities of daily living that cover these three areas?
Tapering/Long-Term Engagement
If the participant is coming to the end of the 12-month intervention period. Discuss how they can:
  • independently continue to work on their goals;

  • Remain as active as possible;

  • Identify sources for further support;

  • Explore other resources they may be able.