Figure 2.
Toehold switch sensor screening. (a) Target regions and normalized ensemble defect (%) of each toehold switch sensor were indicated. (b) Absorbance changes at 570 nm of toehold reaction with or without trigger RNA in a cell-free system on a paper-disc. Blue line: toehold reaction with trigger RNA (on-state), Black line: toehold reaction without trigger RNA (off-state). (c) Fold changes of toehold switch sensors in Figure 2b at 60 min. (d) Sensitivity of sensor M6 and S1 with different concentrations of trigger RNA. Fold change was calculated as the toehold reaction with trigger RNA divided by that without trigger at 60 min. Two-tailed student’s test; *** p < 0.001; Error bars represent ± s.d., n = 3.