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. 2021 Feb 11;23(2):222. doi: 10.3390/e23020222
ApEn approximate entropy
BEn bubble entropy
CauchyKE Cauchy kernel entropy
CKE circular kernel entropy
CosEn coefficient of sample entropy
DE differential entropy
DispEn dispersion entropy
EKE exponential kernel entropy
EMD empirical mode decomposition
EMDEnergyEn empirical mode decomposition energy entropy
FDispEn fluctuation-based dispersion entropy
FuzzyEn fuzzy entropy
FuzzyMEn fuzzy measure entropy
i.i.d. independent and identically distributed
IME intrinsic mode entropy
IMF intrinsic mode functions
InMDEn intrinsic mode dispersion entropy
KbEn kernel-based entropy
LKE Laplacian kernel entropy
mSampEn modified sample entropy
NTPE normalized Tsallis permutation entropy
PE permutation entropy
QSE quadratic sample entropy
RbE rank-based entropy
RE Rényi entropy
RPE Rényi permutation entropy
SampEn sample entropy
SE shannon entropy
SKE spherical kernel entropy
SortEn sorting entropy
SpEn spectral entropy
TE Tsallis entropy
T-E tone-entropy
TKE triangular kernel entropy
TopEn topological entropy
WaEn wavelet entropy
WoS web of science