Figure 1.
Inhibition of AhR activity by CH-223191 potentiates cigarette smoke (CS)-induced neutrophilia. (A) Note the presence of macrophages (arrowheads) as the predominant cell type in air-only mice. There were more neutrophils (open arrows) in the CS-exposed Ahr−/− mice as well as Ahr+/− mice pretreated with CH-223191 and exposed to smoke. Magnification = 20×. (B) There was a significant increase in total cells in Ahr−/− mice exposed to smoke (**p < 0.01 CS compared to air; $p < 0.05 smoke-exposed Ahr−/− mice vs. CS-exposed Ahr+/− mice). (C) There was a significant increase in macrophages in cigarette smoke-exposed Ahr−/− mice compared to air (*p < 0.05). (D) There was a significant increase in neutrophils in smoke-exposed Ahr+/− mice (**p < 0.01) as well as CS-exposed Ahr−/− mice (****p < 0.0001). The increase in neutrophils in CS-exposed Ahr−/− mice was significantly higher than in CS-exposed Ahr+/− mice ($$$$p < 0.0001). (E) There was a significant increase in total cells in Ahr+/− mice exposed to CH-223191 and CS (***p < 0.001 CS compared to air; $$$p < 0.001 CS-exposed AhR+/− mice receiving only DMSO vs. CH-223191. (F) There was no significant increase in macrophages. (G) Treatment with CH-223191 and exposure to CS significantly increased neutrophils in Ahr+/− mice (****p < 0.0001). This increase was significantly higher than CS alone ($$$$p < 0.0001).