Figure 4.
Correlation between OCB progression and LFP power in the 5–15-Hz band. (A) Linear correlation between YBOCS change 1 year after DBS and the power in the 5–15-Hz band measured in the acute setting. The x-axis represents the normalized peak power in the 5–15-Hz band expressed in percentage; the y-axis represents the difference between the YBOCS score assessed 1 year after DBS and the acute setting. The dashed line represents the linear fit. (B) Linear correlation between YBOCS change at the last follow-up and the power in the 5–15-Hz band measured in the acute setting. The x-axis represents the normalized peak power in the 5–15-Hz band expressed in percentage; the y-axis represents the difference between the YBOCS score assessed at the follow-up and in the acute setting. The dashed line represents the linear fit. Squares represent patients with DBS implant removed; crosses are patients with the DBS implant still implanted at the 1 year follow-up.