Right shoulder, beach-chair position, arthroscopic view, 70° scope, anterosuperior portal. (A) The Wissinger is inserted through the posterior portal to determine the split level of the subscapularis tendon. (B-C) The Wissinger rod is identified across the anterior aspect of the subscapularis muscle and the split is performed parallel to the muscle fibers with an ablator. (D) Deep to the subscapularis split, the glenoid and the cannulated drills are identified. A specific spreader is inserted through the coracoid portal to facilitate anterior glenoid neck visualization and sutures shuttling. (E) Anterior external view of the right shoulder in the beach-chair position showing the spreader insertion through the coracoid portal and the cannula insertion in the anteroinferior portal for subsequent sutures shuttling. (A, ablator; AP, anterior portal; AS, anterosuperior portal; C, coracoid process; Ca, cannula; CP, coracoid portal; D, cannulated drill; G, glenoid; iT, inferior glenoid tunnel; S, self-retaining retractor; SSC, subscapularis muscle; sT, superior glenoid tunnel; W, Wissinger rod.)