Schematic representation of sutures shuttling technique through the glenoid and coracoid process sequentially from figure A to E. The inbound-outbound shuttling process is divided in 4 phases. The FiberTape must be equally tensioned at the same length in every shuttling phase. Inbound process: (A) Phase 1: From the posterior to the anterior side of the glenoid, the FiberTapes are transferred through the inferior glenoid tunnel, across the subscapularis muscle split and retrieved through the cannula at the anteroinferior portal. (B) Phase 2: The FiberTapes are transferer from the cannula through the distal coracoid tunnel from ventral to dorsal. Outbound process: (C) Phase 3: The FiberTapes are shuttled from the dorsal to the ventral side of the coracoid and retrieved through the cannula. (D) Phase 4: The FiberTapes are shuttled from the cannula through the subscapularis split and pulled from the anterior side to the posterior side of the glenoid. (E) Schematic representation of the final construct before performing the coracoid osteotomy. (C, coracoid; Ca, cannula; DT, distal coracoid tunnel; FT, FiberTape; FL, FiberLink; G, glenoid; IT, inferior glenoid tunnel; PT, proximal coracoid tunnel; ST, superior glenoid tunnel.)