Table 1.
Actions required by JEE 2 and the WHO benchmarks for IHR capacities to achieve the various capacity levels for indicator P.3.1: effective multisectoral coordination on AMR
Capacity score | JEE 2 [13] | WHO benchmarks for IHR capacities [14] |
No capacity—1 | No national action plan on AMR (NAP-AMR) | No NAP-AMR |
Limited capacity—2 |
NAP-AMR under development or involves only one sector/ministry MSC mechanism established with government leadership |
Establish a national multisectoral AMR coordinating committee Undertake a situation analysis to identify major risks for development and transmission of AMR and where the impact of resistance would be greatest Identify programs and activities relating to key AMR objectives that need to be developed or scaled up Identify a health ministry lead for AMR, develop clear terms of reference. and coordinate activities of the relevant ministries on AMR and stewardship |
Developed capacity—3 |
NAP-AMR developed; addresses at least human and animal sectors MSC coordination functional with regular meetings |
Develop a plan of action to address AMR in line with the Global Action Plan (GAP) on AMR Submit a plan for approval through relevant governance mechanisms (such as office of head of state, cabinet, or ministries of health and agriculture) Develop terms of reference for a multisectoral governance mechanism with clear lines of accountability between the AMR coordinating committee and the high-level One Health group Organize effective coordination through regular meetings |
Demonstrated capacity—4 | Multisectoral NAP-AMR approved; in line with GAP; operational plan and monitoring arrangement in place |
Identify priority actions (based on risk and feasibility) from the NAP, develop an implementation plan with responsible agencies with established timelines, and begin implementation of these actions Develop and implement a NAP-AMR monitoring framework Review plans and progress through regular meetings of the AMR governance committee Identify and map sustained funding for planned activities in the AMR national action plan |
Sustainable capacity—5 | Multisectoral NAP-AMR has identified funding sources; being implemented; monitoring in place |
Sustain funding for planned activities in the NAP-AMR Ensure key activities are incorporated in plans and budgets of relevant programs and agencies Ensure regular monitoring of progress with data submitted to regional and global levels Define clearly specified actions within planning and governance mechanisms for all key sectors involved Identify potential barriers and/or challenges to implementing the NAP and approaches to overcome these barriers |