Hepatic factors for selenocysteine synthesis and Se transport in neonates born after antenatal Se deficiency. C57Bl/6 mice were placed on diets that differed only in Se content, either 0.4 ppm or <0.01 ppm of sodium selenite. Breeding was initiated after 2–4 weeks on diet and natural delivery was allowed. Hepatic organ homogenate was evaluated on day of birth. Each data point represents either a female or male from each litter; each individual point is an average of two mice. Fold change in (A) Sephs2, (B) Pstk, (C) Sepsecs mRNA, (D) Scly mRNA, and (E) Selenop mRNA are shown normalized to SeS samples. (F) Representative Western blots of hepatic Sps2, Pstk, SepsecS, and Scly. Densitometric analysis of (G) Sephs2, (H) Pstk, (I) SepsecS, and (J) Scly protein content expression. Results are normalized to total protein stain and expressed as a ratio to SeS mice. N = 4–10 for all groups. Data and presented as mean (±SEM), * p < 0.05 vs. SeS control, by two-sided t-test.