Effect on Cl− transport of varying (a) cement type; (b) aggregate type; (c) w/c ratio; (d) air content, ac; (e) aggregate-to-cement (a/c) ratio; (f) curing duration, tcu; (g) RH during curing, RHcu; (h) temperature during curing, Tcu; (i) exposure duration, texp; (j) RH during exposure, RHexp; (k) temperature during exposure, Texp; (l) Cl− diffusivity in capillary water at 298 K, Dcw; (m) critical RH, RHc; (n) activation energy for cement hydration, ΔUhyd; (o) activation energy for Cl− diffusion, Δ; (p) activation energy for RH diffusion, Δ; and (q) exposure zone with different surface Cl− concentration.