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. 2021 Feb 11;8(2):133. doi: 10.3390/children8020133

Table 1.

Characteristics of mothers (n = 300).

Variables Categories n %
Age (years) ≤30 176 58.7
>30 124 41.3
BMI (kg/m2) Normal 63 21
Underweight 10 3.3
Overweight 71 23.7
Obesity 156 52
Marital status Single 56 18.7
Ever married 100 33.3
In a relationship 144 48.0
Employment No 189 63.0
Yes 111 37.0
Education No school/primary 2 0.7
Secondary 72 24.0
Completed and post grade 12 226 75.3
Receiving child social grant No 124 41.3
Yes 176 58.7
Household size <4 188 62.7
≥5 112 37.3
House type RDP 29 9.7
Brick 240 80.0
Shack 31 10.3
Household income ≤$64.97 124 41.3
$65.04–$324.91 95 31.7
$324.91 81 27.0
Water access No 7 2.3
Yes 293 97.7
Electricity No 12 4.0
Yes 288 96.0
Refrigerator use No 16 5.3
Yes 284 94.7
Tobacco use during pregnancy No 245 81.7
Yes 55 18.3
Alcohol use during pregnancy No 292 97.0
Yes 8 3.0
Current tobacco use No 257 85.7
Yes 43 14.3
Current alcohol use No 151 50.3
Yes 149 49.7

BMI stands for body mass index, RDP = Reconstruction and Development Programme house, n indicates frequency, and % indicates percentage.