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. 2021 Feb 11;8(2):133. doi: 10.3390/children8020133

Table 2.

Obstetric history of mothers and infants (n = 300).

Variables Categories n %
Parity 1–2 86 28.7
≥3 214 71.3
Child gender Boys 178 59.3
Girls 122 40.7
Pregnancy planned No 175 58.3
Yes 125 41.7
Attended ANC No 20 6.7
Yes 280 93.3
ANC initiation # Less than 1 month 87 31.1
2–3 months 105 35.0
Over 3 months 88 29.3
Pregnancy term Full 245 81.7
Premature 55 18.3
Infant birth weight <2.5 kg 1 0.3
≥2.5 kg 299 99.7
Pregnancy complications No 250 83.3
Yes 50 16.7
Currently breastfeeding No 98 32.7
Yes 202 67.3
Diagnosed with a disease during pregnancy No 277 92.3
Yes 33 7.7
Discharged same day after delivery Yes 137 45.6
No 163 54.3
Child complications at birth Yes 60 20
No 240 80

ANC stands for antenatal care, n indicates frequency, % indicates percentage and # indicates n = 280.