Figure 2.
p38 immunodetection in 7–9 Gestational Weeks (GW) chorionic villi embedded in agarose sections. Total p38 was stained with green 488 AlexaFluor, nuclei were stained with DAPI and cytokeratin 7 with red 546 AlexaFluor. (A–D) Channels merge of total p38, cytokeratin 7 and DAPI staining; (E–H) Total p38 was shown in chorionic villi; (I–L) Structure of chorionic villi was marked with cytokeratin 7. IgG negative control is presented in (D,H,L). Confocal microscopy 400 x, scale bar 100 µm, n = 3 different placentas. ST, syncytiotrophoblast; VCT, villous cytotrophoblast; MA, mesenchymal axis.