Effect of Bam32 deficiency on CXCL2-induced chemotaxis of bone marrow-derived neutrophils and pre-stimulated peritoneum neutrophils in vitro. Spider plots (A) display the chemotactic paths of representative 10 individual neutrophils from one mouse of each strain. The migration distance in µm (B), chemotaxis distance in µm (C), migration velocity in µm/min (D), chemotaxis velocity in µm/min (E), and chemotaxis index of isolated neutrophils for 60 min in 2D chemotaxis µ-slide were quantified and averaged from >50 cells in each group (F). Mean ± SEM of 4 mice per group. * indicates significant difference (p < 0.05) between WT and Bam32−/− mouse strains. BM, bone marrow and chemotaxis index of isolated neutrophils for 60 min in 2D chemotaxis µ-slide were quantified and averaged from >50 cells in each group (F).