Table 4.
Pharmacological effects of natural antioxidants in β-thalassemia treatment.
Bioactive Compound | Doses | In Vitro/ In Vivo/ Clinical Study |
Route of Administration | Model | Bioactive Effect | References |
Resveratrol | 5 μM | in vitro | CD34+ cells | ↑ maturation of erythroid cells ↓ cell proliferation -induces cell differentiation of human β-thalassemic-erythroid cells |
[169] | |
2.5 mg/kg | in vivo | resveratrol incorporated into a standard diet for six months | β-thalassemia mice models | ↓ ineffective erythropoiesis ↓ anemia ↑ HTC, Hb, MCV and MCH levels ↓ total bilirubin ↓ reticulocyte count ↓ oxidative damage in RBC ↑ RBC survival |
[169] | |
Curcumin | 500 mg daily for 12 months | clinical study | Beta-thalassemia/Hb E disease | ↓ MDA, SOD, GSH-Px in RBC ↓ serum NTBI ↑ RBC GSH |
[170] | |
Curcumin | 100 μM curcumin |
clinical study | Beta-thalassemia patients | ↓ plasma NTBI | [171] | |
Fermented papaya preparation (FPP) | 50 mg/kgdaily for 3 months | in vivo | Oral administration daily for 3 months | β-thalassemia mouse model | ↑ GSH, PMN ↓ ROS ↓ lipid peroxidation ↓ externalization of phosphatidylserin |
[172] |
Green tea extract (GTE) | 50 mg/kg EGCG | in vivo | for 2 months | β-knockout thalassemic (BKO) mice | ↓ MDA, NTBI, and ALAT ↑ plasma hepcidin and insulin ↓ iron accumulation and MDA in pancreas and liver -improved liver and pancreatic β-cell activity by decreasing redox iron/free radicals |
[173] |
Curcumin | 200 mg/kg and 50 mg/kg DFP | in vivo | for 2 months | mouse models | ↓ plasma NTBI ↓ MDA concentrations ↓ heart iron accumulation -improved HRV |
[174] |
EGCG from green tea | in vitro | iron-treated erythrocytes | -bound Fe3+ and iron chelation ↓ oxidative stress |
[175] | ||
Extracts of green tea (GTE) and curcumin | 17.3–35.5 mg/kgEGCG equivalent | clinical study | daily for 60 days | transfusion-dependent β-thalassemia (TDT) patients | ↓ of blood urea nitrogen levels ↓ NTBI ↓ LPI -delayed in increasing lipid-peroxidation |
[176] |
FOxO3, Forkhead-box-class-O3; Prdx2, peroxiredoxin-2; NTBI, non-transferrin bound iron; FPP, fermented papaya preparation; PMN, polymorphonuclear; BKO, β-knockout thalassemic; CUR, curcuminoids; DFP, deferiprone; HRV, heart rate variability; LPI, labile plasma iron; ObEO, essential oil isolated from Ocimum basilicum L. leaves.