Figure 7.
Models of the dimerization interface of A3BCTD*. Predicted interface models between two A3BCTD* molecules using the PRISM 2.0 webserver. A3BCTD* molecule A (green, dimerization interface in blue) and A3BCTD* molecule B (cyan, dimerization interface in red) with Zn2+ (yellow sphere) in active site. (A,C) Model 1 interface with a calculated ΔG ~ −38.12 kcal/mol. (B,D) Model 2 interface with a calculated ΔG ~ −18.6 kcal/mol. Models represented as cartoons in (A,B) have the chains and loops involved in the dimerization interface labelled, whereas in (C,D) residues involved in the dimerization interface are shown in stick format.