Fig. 2.
These panels show the evolution of various modelled parameters for epidemics initialised under different conditions. For all epidemics Rmax = 4 and the model is initialized with type O index cases comprising 1/1,000,000 of the population. Since type O transmits freely to all recipients, R(t) = Rmax at time t = 0.
A: Rmax = 4, ρ = 20 %, “Western” population blood type distribution, 38 % A / 14 % B / 4 % AB / 44 % O.
B: Rmax = 4, ρ = 80 %, “Western” population blood type distribution as above.
C: Rmax = 4, ρ = 20 %, “Indian” population blood type distribution, 21.4 % A / 39.9 % B / 9.4 % AB / 29.3 % O (Cooling, 2015).
D: Rmax = 4, ρ = 20 %, “Peruvian” population blood type distribution, 18.9 % A / 8.1 % B / 1.6 % AB / 71.4 % O (Watanabe et al., 2020).
For all sub-panels, X axis denotes days. Y axes: (first column) proportion of the population infected; (second column) R(t) as a fraction of Rmax; (third column) distribution of blood types among currently infected individuals; (fourth column) cumulative risk of infection for each blood type relative to type O.