Figure 2. DMB-HPLC profiling of serum samples from patients on hemodialysis compared with serum from healthy individuals.
Serum samples from (A) healthy volunteers (Control) (n = 14) and patients with ESRD on hemodialysis (ESRD) (n = 58) were analyzed by DMB-HPLC. Each dot represents each serum sample. Levels of the serum free (and CMP-) forms of (B) Kdn and (C) Neu5Ac were calculated with DMB-HPLC. (D) Serum mannose levels (normal range, 40–80 μM) were measured by GC-MS. Control (n = 8) versus ESRD (n = 16). Data are shown as the mean (SD). **P < 0.01, by 1-way ANOVA (A) and unpaired t test (B–D).