Photomicrograph of a rat liver in aflatoxin B1-treated group III (8-week treatment). (A) Extensive central vein congestion and thrombosis (star). (B) Vacuolar degeneration of hepatocytes (black arrowheads, magnified in the black square) and hepatocellular necrosis; pyknotic cellular nucleus (black arrows) or karyolitic nucleus (red arrow). (C,D) Hepatic megalocytes (red arrowheads), abnormalities in mitosis with tripolar mitosis (C: squares and black arrows, respectively), and Kupffer cell proliferation (D: black arrows). (E) Degenerated binucleated hepatocytes (red arrowheads); a focal area of necrosis; several adjacent hepatocytes are absent and replaced by inflammatory cells (double arrows). (F) Marked dilatation in the portal vein (star) with periportal fibrosis (arrow).