Table 1.
Different traditional and novel sensory tests used to evaluate food.
Sensory Test | Types | Subtypes | Panellists | Question? |
Analytic | Discrimination | Duo-trio Triangle PM Napping |
Trained/Consumers | Are the new products different? |
Descriptive | Flavour Profile Texture profile QDA Free choice profiling Flash Descriptive Analysis Spectrum CATA FP RATA |
Greater training/ Semi-trained/Consumers |
How are the new products different? | |
Affective | Preferences or choice | Pair-comparative PSP |
Naive | Which sample do you prefer? |
Hedonic | Naive | How do you like the sample? |
QDA: Quantitative Descriptive Analysis; CATA: Check-all-that-apply; FP: Flash profile; RATA: Rate-all-that-apply; PM: Projective mapping; PSP: Polarized sensory positioning.