The influence of crowding stress on basal synaptic transmission in the frontal cortex (FC) of rats. The relationship between the stimulus strength and the field potential (FP) amplitude recorded in FC slices from (A) control (n = 11) and CS 3d (n = 8), (B) control (n = 19) and CS 7d (n = 19), (C) control (n = 19) and CS 14d (n = 18). FP traces in (D) show a superposition of averaged FPs recorded in representative experiments at the points indicated by numbers. Symbols (circles, squares, and diamonds) correspond to appropriate plots (A–C). Data are presented as means ± SEM and fitted with Boltzmann functions, whereas statistical comparisons are made for the maximum parameter taken from the Boltzmann fit. *** p < 0.0001 vs. control (post-hoc Sidak’s test).