1 |
Elytra with impressed grooves along their entire length (e.g., Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 11C, E, F) |
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Elytra with impressed grooves only along posterior half or less, or completely without grooves (e.g., Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 11A, B, D) |
2 |
Apical maxillary palpomere uniformly pale (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 8D). Pronotum and elytra light brown to brown, head brown, clypeus with large, distinctly pale preocular patches (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 4A) (Venezuela) |
canaliculatus Kohlenberg & Short
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Apical maxillary palpomere darkened at least at apex, and sometimes on distal half or more (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 8A–C). Pronotum and elytra brown to dark brown, head dark brown to black, clypeus with small, pale preocular patches |
3 |
Punctures within elytral grooves small, grooves appearing fairly smooth (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 11F). Elevation of mesoventrite forming transverse carina without tooth, not elevated to same plane as the ventral surface of the mesocoxae (Venezuela) |
sulcatus Short & García
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Punctures within elytral grooves strongly impressed and distinct (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 11C). Elevation of mesoventrite forming transverse carina with tooth, elevated to same plane as the ventral surface of the mesocoxae |
4 |
Apical maxillary palpomere with apex ranging from slightly to distinctly darkened (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 8A). Eyes emarginate at lateral margin, narrowing to roughly two thirds the width (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 5A, B) (Brazil: Roraima, Guyana) |
kusad Kohlenberg & Short
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Apical maxillary palpomere darkened in at least distal half (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 8B). Eyes emarginate at lateral margin, narrowing to slightly greater than half the width (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 5C, D) (Suriname) |
striatus Short
5 |
Elytra with grooves visible along posterior two thirds or less, grooves most prominent near elytral suture (e.g., Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 11A, B), or at least with serial punctures clearly aligned longitudinally |
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Elytra without any trace of grooves along their entire length; all elytral punctures seemingly uniformly distributed, not forming clear longitudinal rows |
6 |
General coloration dark; elytral grooves visible along posterior two thirds of elytra |
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General coloration pale; if present, elytral grooves only visible along posterior quarter of elytra |
7 |
Elytra with grooves on posterior half (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 11A). Apical maxillary palpomere uniformly pale (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 7A). Posterior elevation of mesoventrite forming a medially prominent and acute transverse carina (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 9E) (Brazil: Roraima, Guyana, Suriname) |
sipaliwini Short & Kadosoe
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Elytra with grooves on posterior third (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 11B). Apical maxillary palpomere with apex darkened (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 7B). Posterior elevation of mesoventrite forming a medially prominent and blunt transverse carina (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 9D) (Suriname) |
kasikasima Short
8 |
Elytra without grooves, but with serial punctures clearly aligned longitudinally (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 11D). Eyes emarginate at lateral margin, narrowing to about half of the width (Kohlenberg and Short 2017: fig. 6A, B) (Venezuela) |
pallidus Kohlenberg & Short
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Elytra with weak grooves on posterior quarter. Eyes emarginate at lateral margin, narrowing to slightly less than half of the width (Venezuela) |
Tobochares sp. A (sensu Kohlenberg and Short 2017) |
9 |
General coloration uniform orange brown along pronotum and elytra, with dark brown head. Posterior elevation of mesoventrite forming a medially prominent (acute) curved transverse ridge (Brazil: Amazonas) |
benettii sp. nov.
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General coloration dark brown with paler (yellowish to orange) lateral margins of pronotum and elytra. Posterior elevation of mesoventrite forming a low and uniform curved transverse ridge (Brazil: Goiás) |
goias sp. nov.