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. 2021 Feb 25;65:103252. doi: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103252

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics of study participants.

Group Study ID Age Gender Dose CD4 cells / microL Screening Viral load (c/mL) Baseline Viral Load (c/mL) Screening Viral Outgrowth Assay (VOA)a Screening PhenoSense mAb IC50 (μg/mL)b
HIV uninfected 101 43 Male 3 mg/kg + trace NA NA NA NA NA
102 31 Female 3 mg/kg + trace NA NA NA NA NA
103 56 Female Trace NA NA NA NA NA
104 58 Male Trace NA NA NA NA NA
HIV Infected viremic mg/kg + trace' does the number 3 have its own line? this would be better if '3 mg/kg' was on one line of the cell and the next line of the cell was '+ trace'"?> 201 49 Male NA 600 65977 NA 0/4 (0%) > 50
202 49 Female Trace 377 33200 59052 7/10 (70%) 0.20679
203 42 Male 3 mg/kg + trace 495 130187 76486 12/12 (100%) 0.03503
204 28 Male 3 mg/kg + trace 1012 1239 331 59/62 (95%) 0.03233
205 57 Male NA 557 79 NA NA NA
206 61 Male Trace 560 5649 6631 5/27 (19%)c 0.70811
207 41 Male Trace 391 1656 651 8/8 (100%)d 0.04288
208 28 Male Trace 840 27209 395598 13/35 (37%)d,e 0.07172
Median (IQR) 45.5 (37.8-51) 559 (469 - 660) 16429 (1552 - 41394) 32841 (2146-72127)
HIV infected aviremicf 301 36 Male Trace 468 < 20 < 20 4/5 (80%) 0.04288
302 60 Male Trace 451 < 20 < 20 10/10 (100%) 0.02806



Reported as the number of wells sensitive to 3BNC117 as a proportion of the number of wells positive for virus


Concentration of antibody required to inhibit viral replication by 50%


Had additional wells considered partially sensitive to 3BNC117. 22/27 wells positive if these wells included


Using Aviremic VOA


including wells that were partially sensitive to 3BNC117, means that 27/35 wells were positive


3 individuals screened but not included for baseline analysis due to study termination and therefore were not included; NA, not applicable; IQR, interquartile range.