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. 2021 Feb 24;33:100768. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2021.100768

Table 3.

Pooled analysis of Odds Ratios (ORs) regarding the association between opium consumption and cancer.

Cancer type No. of Studies Pooled Sample Size Heterogeneity
Fixed-effects model analysis
Random effects model analysis
p-value I[2] Effect size(95% CI) Two-tailed test
Effect size(95% CI) Two-tailed test
Z-value p-value Z-value p-value
Pooled odds ratios of Minimally adjusted studies
Bladder 10 4274 0•003 64•39 4•94 (4•04–6•05) 15•52 <0•001 5•15 (3•58–7•39) 8•88 <0•001
Larynx 4 4220 <0•001 92•99 11•46 (9•17–14•32) 21•47 <0•001 8•41 (2•73–25•93) 3•71 <0•001
Lung 3 1679 0•002 83•86 3•69 (2•78–4•91) 8•98 <0•001 4•19 (2•03–8•65) 3•87 <0•001
Oral cavity 3 4860 <0•001 91•85 1•76 (1•3–2•38) 3•67 <0•001 2•6 (0•74–9•05) 1•50 0•135
Esophagus 4 1399 0•518 0•00 1•98 (1•52–2•58) 5•02 <0•001 1•98 (1•52–2•58) 5•02 <0•001
Stomach 2 1189 0•023 80•59 3•12 (2•49–3•91) 9•90 <0•001 3•02 (1•80–5•06) 4•19 <0•001
Colon 2 705 0•588 0•00 4•03 (2•5–6•52) 5•70 <0•001 4•03 (2•50–6•52) 5•70 <0•001
Colorectal 2 1005 0•743 0•00 4•04 (2•67–6•11) 6•60 <0•001 4•04 (2•67–6•11) 6•60 <0•001
UGI 6 2588 0•016 64•30 2•58 (2•17–3•06) 10•80 <0•001 2•42 (1•76–3•34) 5•42 <0•001
GI 8 3593 0•012 60•99 2•75 (2•35–3•23) 12•51 <0•001 2•72 (2•06–3•60) 7•06 <0•001
Respiratory 7 5899 <0•001 93•54 7•46 (6•26–8•90) 22•45 <0•001 6•22 (2•90–13•33) 4•70 <0•001
Head and Neck 6 6184 0•003 71•76 5•19 (4•42–6•08) 20•19 <0•001 5•19 (3•32–8•11) 7•23 <0•001
Aerodigestive tract 13 8910 <0.001 82.79 3.95 (3.49–4.47) 21.82 <0.001 3.73 (2.64–5.28) 7.44 <0.001
Overall 27 15,889 <0•001 76•30 4•02 (3•65–4•43) 28•33 <0•001 4•14 (3•32–5•15) 12•71 <0•001
Pooled odds ratios of Fully adjusted studies
Bladder 4 2640 0•254 26•26 4•07 (3•24–5•11) 12•12 <0•001 3•83 (2•73–5•38) 7•75 <0•001
Larynx 5 4580 0•144 41•63 8•31 (6•4–10•79) 15•89 <0•001 9•58 (6•31–14•53) 10•62 <0•001
Lung 1 420 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Oral cavity 1 3319 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Esophagus 1 871 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Stomach 2 1189 0•936 0•00 3•06 (2•07–4•53) 5•59 <0•001 3•06 (2•07–4•53) 5•59 <0•001
Colon 2 705 0•928 0•00 5•58 (3•14–9•92) 5•86 <0•001 5•58 (3•14–9•92) 5•86 <0•001
Colorectal 2 1005 0•993 0•00 4•49 (2•81–7•16) 6•30 <0•001 4•49 (2•81–7•16) 6•30 <0•001
UGI 3 2060 0•296 17•75 2•44 (1•86–3•18) 6•53 <0•001 2•48 (1•83–3•35) 5•89 <0•001
GI 7 4035 0•072 48•25 2•8 (2•27–3•45) 9•61 <0•001 3•03 (2•23–4•12) 7•08 <0•001
Respiratory 6 5000 0•209 30•15 8•18 (6•34–10•55) 16•16 <0•001 9•02 (6•27–12•96) 11•87 <0•001
Head and Neck 5 5003 <0•001 82•00 4•99 (4•06–6•13) 15•32 <0•001 8•03 (4•03–16•00) 5•92 <0•001
Aerodigestive tract 7 6294 <0.001 85.36 4.04 (3.38–4.82) 15.46 <0.001 6.04 (3.39–10.77) 6.1 <0.001
Overall 17 12,257 <0•001 69•80 3•91 (3•46–4•42) 21•87 <0•001 4•35 (3•36–5•62) 11•21 <0•001

UGI: Upper gastrointestinal; GI: Gastrointestinal.