Piezo1-MBs sensitized the effect of US stimulation of N2A. (A) Confocal images of PTMB-binding N2A cells before, immediately or 5 min after receiving US irradiation in bright field, Fluo-4 AM (green), PI staining (red) and merge model. Acoustic pressure is 0.03 MPa, T1 = 500 μs, T2 = 1 ms, T3 = 300 ms, T4 = 3 s, total time is 5 s. Scale bar, 100 μm. (B) Temporal fluorescence intensity changes of Piezo1-MBs-binding N2A cells before, immediately or 5 min after receiving US irradiation. (C) Average maximum dF/F0 of N2A cells incubated with the NTMB (n = 189 cells from 3 slices) or the adhered PTMB (n = 292 cells from 3 slices), followed by US irradiation. Acoustic pressure is 0.03 MPa, T1 = 500 μs, T2 = 1 ms, T3 = 300 ms, T4 = 3 s, total time is 5 s. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. ***P < 0.0001. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)