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. 2021 Mar 2;180:113112. doi: 10.1016/j.bios.2021.113112

Table 4.

Electrochemical diagnostics methods based on aptamers as recognition element for detection of viral infectious diseases.

S NO Virus Recognition Matrix Method Concentration Range LOD Ref
1 HCV GCE/MWCNT-Chit/MIP/Apt CV, DPV, EIS 5.0–1.0 pg mL−1 1.67 fg mL−1 Ghanbari and Roushani (2018)
2 HCV GCE/AuNPs/Apt DPV 1 × 10−21 to 1 × 10−11 M 5 × 10−17 M S. Liu et al. (2011)
3 HCV GCE/GQD/Apt EIS 10–400 pg mL−1 3.3 pg mL−1 Ghanbari et al. (2017)
4 HIV HRP/NF-kB/Tx-CP/GE Amperometry 5–500 nM 5 nM Guo et al. (2013)
5 HIV – 1 Diamond FET-based RNA aptamer FET 1–100 nM 1 nM Rahim Ruslinda et al. (2013)
6 HIV 1 Ni–Au/fMWCNT FET 0.2 nM - 1 μM 600 pM Fatin et al. (2019)
7 HIV GCE/GR/AuNCs/Apt DPV 0.1 fM - 100 nM 30 aM Wang et al. (2015)
8 HIV AuE/Self-Assembled DNA Nanostructures DPV 2 aM - 10 PM 2 aM Chen et al. (2012)
9 HIV 1 Si/SiO2/Au/MWCNT FET 1.64–3.74 nM 1.64 nM Radhi et al. (2016)
10 HIV GCE/PPI/Strep/ssDNA SWV, EIS 0.1–16 nM 3.44 pM John et al. (2014)
11 HAV SPGEs DNA probe CV 10 fg μL−1 - 0.1 ng μL−1 0.15 fg μL−1 Manzano et al. (2018)
12 HBV PNA probe (P1) immobilized on a screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE) DPV 0.1–1000 nM 150 pM Jampasa et al. (2018)
13 HBV PANI–MWCNT platinum electrode arrays peptide aptamers SWV 10–50 nM 490 pM Tran et al. (2011)
14 HBV Au DNA EIS 1 nM–1000 nM 1 nM Karimizefreh et al. (2014)
15 HBV (GC) (prGO) (MoS2) RNA aptamer _ DPV 3.5 pM–35.3 pM 1.75 pM Chekin et al. (2018)
16 HBV (acpcPNA) probe (AQ-PNA) and (G-PANI) SWV 10–200 nM. 2.3 nM Teengam et al. (2017)
17 HBV 16 SPGE cysteine film DNA DPV 18.75 nM and 250 nM 18.13 nM Campos-Ferreira et al. (2013)
18 HBV 16 SPCE pyrrolidinyl peptide nucleic acid probe SWV 0.02 and 12.0 μM 4 nM Jampasa et al. (2014)
19 HBV hollow HP5–Au/CoS Chronoamperometry 1 fM – 1 nM 0.32 fM Qian et al. (2020)
20 HBV Paper/Ag NPs-DNA modified MμBs ASV 100–1500 pM 85 pM Li et al. (2015)
21 HPV16E7p, 18E6 and 45E6 Au arrays DNA Probe steps and sweeps technique 0.1–10 nM 0.1–12 nM 0.1–1 nM 220 pM, 170 pM and 110 pM Civit et al. (2012)
22 HPV G/Au NR/PT DNA EIS and DPV 0.1 pM - 10 nM 50 fM Huang et al. (2015)
23 HPV16 (PGE) DNA DPV 40–5000 pg L−1 16 pg L−1 Campos-Ferreira et al. (2016)
24 HPV SPEs DNA magnetic bead-modified DNA probes chronoamperometry 1 pM - 1 nM 1 pM Bartosik et al. (2016)
25 HPV 16 pencil graphite electrode (PGE)/Methylene blue DNA DPV 2–10 nM 1.49 nM Souza et al. (2014)
26 Influenza A Microfluidic RT-PCR chip and disposable electrical printed (DEP) SWV 5.36 × 102 to, 5.36 × 105 copies μL−1 Yamanaka et al. (2011)
27 Influenza A PtE/MWCNT/DNA SWV 1–10 nM 0.5 nM Tam et al. (2009)
28 Vesicular Stomatitis virus (vsv) AuE/Apt/Ab EIS 800 - 2200 PFU 600 PFU Labib et al. (2012b)
29 Vaccinia virus (VACV) AuE/Apt/ EIS 500 - 3000 PFU 330 PFU Labib et al. (2012a)
30 Zika polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Au DNA EIS 54–340 nM 25 nM Faria and Zucolotto (2019)
31 Zika silsesquioxane-functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs-SiPy) EIS 1 pM–1 μM 0.82 pM Steinmetz et al. (2019)
32 Zika graphite disk reduced graphene oxide and polytyramine-conducting polymer DPV 1.72 × 1010 copies mL−1 (10−16 g mL−1) to 1.72 copies mL−1 (10−16 g mL−1) 1.72 copies mL−1 (0.1 fg mL−1) Moço et al. (2019)
33 Zika Paper aptamer potentiometry Dolai and Tabib-azar (2020)
34 Zika poly-(3-amino- 4-hydroxybenzoic acid)-modified PGE SWV 84.0 pM - 1.41 nM 25.4 pM Aydinlik et al. (2011)
35 Chikungunya virus (SPGEs) (MoS2 NSs) probe PDNA EIS, CV (0.1 nM–80 μM) (0.1 nM–100 μM) 3.4 nM Singhal et al. (2018b)
36 Chikungunya virus Paper Fe3O4@Au Nanocubes based DNA CV 0.1 nM - 100 μM 0.1 nM Singhal et al. (2018a)
37 Avian influenza virus H5N1 gene AuE/MWCNT/PPNWs/GNPs/DNA-aptamer. DPV 5 pM–1 nM 0.43 pM X. Liu et al. (2011)
38 Avian influenza A (H7N9) AuE/tetrahedral structured DNA probe Amperometry 1 pM - 100 nM 0.75 pM Dong et al. (2015)
39 Herpes DNA Paper Zn–Ag nanoblooms DNA CV 113–103 and 3 × 105 to 3 × 106 copies mL−1 97 copies mL−1 Narang et al. (2018)
40 Herpes Poly pyrrole silicon aptamer Conductometry 5–20 nM 2 nM Tam et al. (2010)
41 Hepatitis B Graphene/CPPyNW field-effect transistor (FET) 10 aM to 0.1 μM 10 aM Cho et al. (2018)
42 Dengue Virus Alumina over platinum wire Electrode probe DNA DPV 0.01 nM to 1 μM 9.5 pm Rai et al. (2012)
43 Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) 1 Au/DNA Chronoamperometry 1.50 × 102 to 3.34 × 105 OsHV-1 DNA copies/50 ng of total DNA. 207 OsHV-1 target copies Toldrà et al. (2020)

AuE – gold electrode; MWCNT - multi-wall carbon nanotubes; PPNWs - polypyrrole nanowires; GNPs – gold nanoparticles; DPV – differential pulse voltammetry; ASV – anodic stripping voltammetry; SWV – square wave voltammetry; EIS – electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; SPE – screen printed electrode; MμBs - magnetic microbeads; PFU – Plaque forming units; PPI – Poly(propylene imine); CPPyNW – carboxylic polypyrrole nanowires; GCE – glassy carbon electrode; Chit – chitosan; GQD – graphene quantum dots; FET – field effect transistor; APTES – triethoxysilane on silicon substrates; Au NPs – Gold nanoparticles; PANI–MWCNT – polyaniline-multiwalled carbon nanotube; GC – Glassy carbon; rGO – reduced graphene oxide; MoS2 – molybdenum sulfide; acpcPNA – anthraquinone-labeled 28 pyrrolidinyl peptide nucleic acid; G-PANI – graphene-polyaniline; PGE – pencil graphite electrode; PET – polyethylene terephthalate; AuNPs-SiPy – silsesquioxane-functionalized gold nanoparticles.