Table 4.
Electrochemical diagnostics methods based on aptamers as recognition element for detection of viral infectious diseases.
S NO | Virus | Recognition Matrix | Method | Concentration Range | LOD | Ref |
1 | HCV | GCE/MWCNT-Chit/MIP/Apt | CV, DPV, EIS | 5.0–1.0 pg mL−1 | 1.67 fg mL−1 | Ghanbari and Roushani (2018) |
2 | HCV | GCE/AuNPs/Apt | DPV | 1 × 10−21 to 1 × 10−11 M | 5 × 10−17 M | S. Liu et al. (2011) |
3 | HCV | GCE/GQD/Apt | EIS | 10–400 pg mL−1 | 3.3 pg mL−1 | Ghanbari et al. (2017) |
4 | HIV | HRP/NF-kB/Tx-CP/GE | Amperometry | 5–500 nM | 5 nM | Guo et al. (2013) |
5 | HIV – 1 | Diamond FET-based RNA aptamer | FET | 1–100 nM | 1 nM | Rahim Ruslinda et al. (2013) |
6 | HIV 1 | Ni–Au/fMWCNT | FET | 0.2 nM - 1 μM | 600 pM | Fatin et al. (2019) |
7 | HIV | GCE/GR/AuNCs/Apt | DPV | 0.1 fM - 100 nM | 30 aM | Wang et al. (2015) |
8 | HIV | AuE/Self-Assembled DNA Nanostructures | DPV | 2 aM - 10 PM | 2 aM | Chen et al. (2012) |
9 | HIV 1 | Si/SiO2/Au/MWCNT | FET | 1.64–3.74 nM | 1.64 nM | Radhi et al. (2016) |
10 | HIV | GCE/PPI/Strep/ssDNA | SWV, EIS | 0.1–16 nM | 3.44 pM | John et al. (2014) |
11 | HAV | SPGEs DNA probe | CV | 10 fg μL−1 - 0.1 ng μL−1 | 0.15 fg μL−1 | Manzano et al. (2018) |
12 | HBV | PNA probe (P1) immobilized on a screen-printed carbon electrode (SPCE) | DPV | 0.1–1000 nM | 150 pM | Jampasa et al. (2018) |
13 | HBV | PANI–MWCNT platinum electrode arrays peptide aptamers | SWV | 10–50 nM | 490 pM | Tran et al. (2011) |
14 | HBV | Au DNA | EIS | 1 nM–1000 nM | 1 nM | Karimizefreh et al. (2014) |
15 | HBV | (GC) (prGO) (MoS2) RNA aptamer _ | DPV | 3.5 pM–35.3 pM | 1.75 pM | Chekin et al. (2018) |
16 | HBV | (acpcPNA) probe (AQ-PNA) and (G-PANI) | SWV | 10–200 nM. | 2.3 nM | Teengam et al. (2017) |
17 | HBV 16 | SPGE cysteine film DNA | DPV | 18.75 nM and 250 nM | 18.13 nM | Campos-Ferreira et al. (2013) |
18 | HBV 16 | SPCE pyrrolidinyl peptide nucleic acid probe | SWV | 0.02 and 12.0 μM | 4 nM | Jampasa et al. (2014) |
19 | HBV | hollow HP5–Au/CoS | Chronoamperometry | 1 fM – 1 nM | 0.32 fM | Qian et al. (2020) |
20 | HBV | Paper/Ag NPs-DNA modified MμBs | ASV | 100–1500 pM | 85 pM | Li et al. (2015) |
21 | HPV16E7p, 18E6 and 45E6 | Au arrays DNA Probe | steps and sweeps technique | 0.1–10 nM 0.1–12 nM 0.1–1 nM | 220 pM, 170 pM and 110 pM | Civit et al. (2012) |
22 | HPV | G/Au NR/PT DNA | EIS and DPV | 0.1 pM - 10 nM | 50 fM | Huang et al. (2015) |
23 | HPV16 | (PGE) DNA | DPV | 40–5000 pg L−1 | 16 pg L−1 | Campos-Ferreira et al. (2016) |
24 | HPV | SPEs DNA magnetic bead-modified DNA probes | chronoamperometry | 1 pM - 1 nM | 1 pM | Bartosik et al. (2016) |
25 | HPV 16 | pencil graphite electrode (PGE)/Methylene blue DNA | DPV | 2–10 nM | 1.49 nM | Souza et al. (2014) |
26 | Influenza A | Microfluidic RT-PCR chip and disposable electrical printed (DEP) | SWV | 5.36 × 102 to, 5.36 × 105 copies μL−1 | – | Yamanaka et al. (2011) |
27 | Influenza A | PtE/MWCNT/DNA | SWV | 1–10 nM | 0.5 nM | Tam et al. (2009) |
28 | Vesicular Stomatitis virus (vsv) | AuE/Apt/Ab | EIS | 800 - 2200 PFU | 600 PFU | Labib et al. (2012b) |
29 | Vaccinia virus (VACV) | AuE/Apt/ | EIS | 500 - 3000 PFU | 330 PFU | Labib et al. (2012a) |
30 | Zika | polyethylene terephthalate (PET) Au DNA | EIS | 54–340 nM | 25 nM | Faria and Zucolotto (2019) |
31 | Zika | silsesquioxane-functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs-SiPy) | EIS | 1 pM–1 μM | 0.82 pM | Steinmetz et al. (2019) |
32 | Zika | graphite disk reduced graphene oxide and polytyramine-conducting polymer | DPV | 1.72 × 1010 copies mL−1 (10−16 g mL−1) to 1.72 copies mL−1 (10−16 g mL−1) | 1.72 copies mL−1 (0.1 fg mL−1) | Moço et al. (2019) |
33 | Zika | Paper aptamer | potentiometry | – | – | Dolai and Tabib-azar (2020) |
34 | Zika | poly-(3-amino- 4-hydroxybenzoic acid)-modified PGE | SWV | 84.0 pM - 1.41 nM | 25.4 pM | Aydinlik et al. (2011) |
35 | Chikungunya virus | (SPGEs) (MoS2 NSs) probe PDNA | EIS, CV | (0.1 nM–80 μM) (0.1 nM–100 μM) | 3.4 nM | Singhal et al. (2018b) |
36 | Chikungunya virus | Paper Fe3O4@Au Nanocubes based DNA | CV | 0.1 nM - 100 μM | 0.1 nM | Singhal et al. (2018a) |
37 | Avian influenza virus H5N1 gene | AuE/MWCNT/PPNWs/GNPs/DNA-aptamer. | DPV | 5 pM–1 nM | 0.43 pM | X. Liu et al. (2011) |
38 | Avian influenza A (H7N9) | AuE/tetrahedral structured DNA probe | Amperometry | 1 pM - 100 nM | 0.75 pM | Dong et al. (2015) |
39 | Herpes DNA | Paper Zn–Ag nanoblooms DNA | CV | 113–103 and 3 × 105 to 3 × 106 copies mL−1 | 97 copies mL−1 | Narang et al. (2018) |
40 | Herpes | Poly pyrrole silicon aptamer | Conductometry | 5–20 nM | 2 nM | Tam et al. (2010) |
41 | Hepatitis B | Graphene/CPPyNW | field-effect transistor (FET) | 10 aM to 0.1 μM | 10 aM | Cho et al. (2018) |
42 | Dengue Virus | Alumina over platinum wire Electrode probe DNA | DPV | 0.01 nM to 1 μM | 9.5 pm | Rai et al. (2012) |
43 | Ostreid herpesvirus 1 (OsHV-1) 1 | Au/DNA | Chronoamperometry | 1.50 × 102 to 3.34 × 105 OsHV-1 DNA copies/50 ng of total DNA. | 207 OsHV-1 target copies | Toldrà et al. (2020) |
AuE – gold electrode; MWCNT - multi-wall carbon nanotubes; PPNWs - polypyrrole nanowires; GNPs – gold nanoparticles; DPV – differential pulse voltammetry; ASV – anodic stripping voltammetry; SWV – square wave voltammetry; EIS – electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; SPE – screen printed electrode; MμBs - magnetic microbeads; PFU – Plaque forming units; PPI – Poly(propylene imine); CPPyNW – carboxylic polypyrrole nanowires; GCE – glassy carbon electrode; Chit – chitosan; GQD – graphene quantum dots; FET – field effect transistor; APTES – triethoxysilane on silicon substrates; Au NPs – Gold nanoparticles; PANI–MWCNT – polyaniline-multiwalled carbon nanotube; GC – Glassy carbon; rGO – reduced graphene oxide; MoS2 – molybdenum sulfide; acpcPNA – anthraquinone-labeled 28 pyrrolidinyl peptide nucleic acid; G-PANI – graphene-polyaniline; PGE – pencil graphite electrode; PET – polyethylene terephthalate; AuNPs-SiPy – silsesquioxane-functionalized gold nanoparticles.