Region-specific microglial heterogeneity in two-month-old HIV-1 gp120 transgenic (Tg) mice
(A and B) t-SNE analysis identified five cortical (2mTgBr) and four spinal (2mTgSp) microglial clusters (circled by blue-dot lines) from the two-month-old Tg mice. The microglial identity was defined by the co-expression of multiple microglial markers as shown in violin plots below t-SNE plots.
(C) Feature plots of signature genes of INF-M (red circles) and PLF-M (green circles) in 2mTgBr and INF-M (black circles) in 2mTgSp demonstrate the portion of the corresponding subtypes in the cortical and spinal microglia.
(D) Heatmap showed both INF-M and PLF-M microglia in the cortex but only INF-M in the spinal cord of the gp120 Tg mice. Gp120 did not significantly change the population of IFLAM-M in the cortex and spinal cord at two months. However, we can see the proportion of spinal IFLAM-M is much larger in both Wt and Tg mice than in the Wt and Tg cortices, respectively. The columns represent the subsets of all microglia from two-month-old Wt and Tg cortices and spinal cords.