YAP1 modulation is coupled with CASR activation through RhoA/rho-associated protein kinase (ROCK) signaling in CASR-HEK293A cells. (a–e) Phosphorylated (panels a–c) or total (panels c–e) cytoplasmic YAP1 (pYAP1) expression in CASR-HEK293A cells incubated for 1 h with R568 and the ROCK inhibitors Y27632 (panel a, 10 μM; * p = 0.006) or H1152 (b, 1 μM; * p = 0.014; ** p = 0.083). A representative Western blot is shown in panel c. (f–h) CASR-HEK293A cells were incubated with the ROCK inhibitors Y27632 (panel h, 10 μM; *, p = 0.057; ** p = 0.047) and H1152 (panel h, 1 μM; * p = 0.051; ** p = 0.020 by one-way ANOVA). Then nuclear YAP1 accumulation was analyzed by Western blotting and quantified by densitometric analysis. Bars, mean ± SEM (n = 3); p-values are from one-way ANOVA.