Table 1.
Test wells on the MicroScan Gram-positive and Gram-negative panels (Dried Overnight Positive ID Type 3 (PID3) and Dried Overnight Negative ID Type 2 (NID2), respectively) or embedded in the customized MSF panel (MSFNPID1) and reagents to be added. Underlined substrates are wells for which coverage with mineral oil before incubation is needed after inoculation. Substrates in bold are tests for which additional reagents need to be added after incubation and before reading.
Substrate. | Abbreviation | Panel | Substrate | Abbreviation | Panel |
Glucose | GLU | Gram-negative | Lactose | LAC | Gram-positive |
Sucrose | SUC | Gram-negative | Trehalose | TRE | Gram-positive |
Inositol | INO | Gram-negative | Mannose | MNS | Gram-positive |
Adonitol | ADO | Gram-negative | Ribose | RBS | Gram-positive |
Rhamnose | RHA | Gram-negative | Inulin | INU | Gram-positive |
Melibiose | MEL | Gram-negative | Mannitol | MAN | Gram-positive |
Penicillin G 4 µg/mL | P4 | Gram-negative | PNP-β-d-Glucuronide | PGR | Gram-positive |
Kanamycin 4 µg/mL | K4 | Gram-negative | PNP-β-d-Galactopyranoside | PGT | Gram-positive |
Colistin 4 µg/mL | Cl4 | Gram-negative | Indoxyl Phosphatase | IDX | Gram-positive |
Cephalothin 8 µg/mL | Cf8 | Gram-negative | Phosphatase | PHO | Gram-positive |
Nitrofurantoin 64 g/mL | Fd64 | Gram-negative | Pyrrolidonyl-B-naphtylamide | PYR | Gram-positive |
Tobramycin 4 g/mL | To4 | Gram-negative | Bile-Esculin | BE | Gram-positive |
Cetrimide | CET | Gram-negative | Pyruvate | PRV | Gram-positive |
Lysine | LYS | Gram-negative | Bacitracin | BAC | Gram-positive |
Ornithine | ORN | Gram-negative | Crystal Violet | CV | Gram-positive |
Tryptophan Deaminase | TDA | Gram-negative | Bacitracin 0.05 g/mL | MS | Gram-positive |
Esculin | ESC | Gram-negative | Novobiocin 1.6 g/mL | NOV | Gram-positive |
o-Nitrophenyl-d-Galactopyranoside | ONPG | Gram-negative | Optochin | OPT | Gram-positive |
Citrate | CIT | Gram-negative | 6.5% NaCl | NACL | Gram-positive |
Malonate | MAL | Gram-negative | Sorbitol | SOR | Both panels |
Acetamide | ACE | Gram-negative | Raffinose | RAF | Both panels |
Tartrate | TAR | Gram-negative | Arabinose | ARA | Both panels |
Oxidation Base Control | OF/B | Gram-negative | Arginine | ARG | Both panels |
Oxidation of glucose | OF/G | Gram-negative | Nitrate | NIT | Both panels |
Hydrogen Sulfide | H2S | Gram-negative | Voges-Proskauer | VP | Both panels |
Indole | IND | Gram-negative | Urea | URE | Both panels |
Decarboxylase Base Control | DCB | Gram-negative |