Table 2.
Stages of New Product Development |
Applied Sensory Evaluation Methods | |
Affective Test | Analytical Test | |
Ideation | Focus Groups, Free Elicitation, IA *, Kelly Repertory Grid, Laddering, Lead User Technique, ZMET * | - |
Project Pre-Planning | ||
Validation of Proof of Concept | ||
Process optimization and up-scaling |
Sensory Acceptance Testing | Descriptive test: QDA®* |
Rapid test: RDA * | ||
Commercialization | Sensory Acceptance Testing | - |
Pre- and Post-Approval and shelf-life testing |
Consumer Testing (n > 100) | - |
IA *, information acceleration; ZMET, Zaltman metaphor elicitation technique; QDA®, Quantitative Descriptive Analysis; RDA, Ranking Descriptive Analysis. Source: Own elaboration based on [8].