Activation results for the whole-brain univariate analyses for contrasts [self > stranger] (A), [self-bias > sad-bias] (B), and [sad-bias > self-bias] (C). The mask of clusters with significant univariate effects (a cluster corrected FDR-threshold of p < 0.05, voxel-threshold p < 0.001 uncorrected, extended threshold of 30 contiguous voxels) was created and overlaid on an MNI152 standard template using MRIcroGL (radiological convention).1—vmPFC (ventromedial prefrontal cortex), 2—R-STG (right superior temporal gyrus), 3—R-AG (right angular gyrus), 4—L-IFG-Tri (left inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularis), 5—L-FMG (left frontal medial gyrus), and 6—L-IPL (left inferior parietal lobe).