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. 2021 Feb 17;118(8):e2024465118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2024465118

Table 1.

Data collection and refinement statistics

Ephexin4DPSH (SeMet) Ephexin4DPSH (Native) Ephexin4IDPSH
Data collection and processing
Wavelength, Å 0.97775 0.97775 0.97915
Space group P3112 P3112 P65
Unit cell (a,b,c), Å 144.5, 144.5, 290.7 144.4, 144.4, 290.5 143.1, 143.1, 138.5
Unit cell (α,β,γ), ° 90, 90, 120 90, 90, 120 90, 90, 120
Resolution range, Å 50–2.59 (2.75–2.59) 50.00–2.39 (2.48–2.39) 50.00–3.00 (3.11–3.00)
No. of unique reflections 108,283 (20,188) 136,390 (13,383) 31,720 (3,161)
Redundancy 20.1 (20.7) 13.7 (13.7) 7.0 (6.6)
I/σ(I) 9.0 (2.4) 9.7 (2.7) 14.2 (1.5)
Completeness, % 99.6 (97.5) 99.8 (98.4) 96.5(90.2)
Rmerge, %* 18.2 (85.6) 18.8 (85.4) 8.9 (95.5)
CC1/2 99.1 (85.9) 99.2 (88.7) 99.8 (53.9)
Wilson B 46.0 43.5 82.6
Phase determination
Anomalous scatterer Selenium (23 of 28 possible sites)
Mean FOM 0.3027
Structure refinement
Resolution, Å 48.42–2.39 46.83–3.00
Rcryst/Rfree, % 17.95/20.24 18.50/23.10
rmsd bonds, Å/angles, ° 0.009/1.150 0.013/1.660
No. of protein atoms 13,980 7,349
No. of solvent atoms 613 0
Average B factor, Å2 53.7 88.3
 Ramachandran plot, %
Most favored regions 98.2 97.8
Additionally allowed 1.8 2.2
Generously allowed 0 0

Numbers in parentheses represent the value for the highest resolution shell. FOM, figures of merit; rmsd, root-mean-square deviation.


Rmerge = ∑|Ii − Im|/∑Ii, where Ii is the intensity of the measured reflection, and Im is the mean intensity of all symmetry related reflections.

Rcryst = Σ||Fobs| − |Fcalc||/Σ|Fobs|, where Fobs and Fcalc are observed and calculated structure factors.

Rfree = ΣT||Fobs| − |Fcalc||/ΣT|Fobs|, where T is a test dataset of about 5% of the total reflections randomly chosen and set aside prior to refinement.