Crude protein intake of three meals regulates the protein expression [11]. |
Decreasing brown adipose tissue in neonates [45]. |
Promoting the secretion of progesterone and estradiol and inhibiting the apoptosis of granulosa cells [27]. |
Sensitized to long-term light or without melatonin [45]. |
Increasing the transcript levels of NR1D1 and Prostaglandin G/H synthetase 2 (PTGS2) in uterine stromal (USCs) [71]; Increasing the production of prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) [71]. |
Controlling the expression of ovarian genes in porcine granulosa cells [27]. |
Different expression peaks in long-day or short-day conditions [42]. |
Suppression of mRNA levels of circadian genes [27]. |
Rapidly alternating photoperiods causes 2.5-h earlier expression peak [41]. |
CRY1 |
Reducing the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Tumor-necrosis-factor alpha (TNF-α) [22]. |
High expression in night or along with high melatonin concentration [36,37,40]. |
Stabilizing the circadian oscillation and keeping the body temperature constant [22]. |
PER2 |
Crude protein intake of three meals regulates the protein expression [11]. |
Decreasing brown adipose tissue in neonates [45]; |
Increasing the proliferation of granulosa cells treated with FSH [50]; |
Calcium supplementation at different times inhibits mRNA expression in placenta [26]. |
Synchronizing with the plasma insulin and glucose concentrations [41,42]. |
Decreasing the progesterone production and expression of STAR mRNA in FSH-treated granulosa cells [50]; |
long-term light or decreased melatonin reduces mRNA expression [37,45]. |
Enhancing αs–casein protein synthesis of bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMEC) and an overall increase in milk protein content [57]. |
Different expression peaks in long-day or short-day conditions [42]. |
PER1 |
Crude protein intake of three meals regulates the protein expression [11]. |
Increasing the prolactin secretion [36]. |
Calcium supplementation indicator [26]. |
High expression in night [37,40]. |
A transmitter of light signal. The expression in the PA and DH was elevated in the animals treated with CO [28]. |
In SCN, PER1 peaks early in the day [38]. |
NR1D1 |
Decreasing the plasma insulin and glucose concentrations [41]. |
Repressing PTGS2 gene expression [71] |
In PT, melatonin inhibits mRNA expression [40]. |
Rapidly alternating photoperiods causes 2.5 h earlier expression peak [41]. |
Calcium supplementation indicator [26]. |
Decreasing the plasma insulin and glucose concentrations [41]. |
Increasing estradiol production, and luteinizing hormone receptor (LHr) and P450 aromatase (P450arom) mRNAs in FSH-treated granulosa cells [50]; |