Figure 2.
Daily log10 colony-forming units (log10CFU) and log10 time to positivity (log10TTP) for mycobacteria over 7 days for all 59 participants with mutated (black dots) and nonmutated (red crosses) bacteria. The model includes a mutation variable (0, dashed line, or 1, full line): TTP = b0 + b1 × CFUs + b2 × mutations + b3 × CFUs × mutations. This formula resulted in log10TTP = 2.6324 – 0.0947 × log10CFUs + 0.1133 × mutations – 0.0013 × log10CFUs × mutations; r2 = 0.631; P < 0.0001 for b0, b1; P = 0.002 for b2; P = 0.852 for b3.