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. 2020 Aug 10;6:e288. doi: 10.7717/peerj-cs.288
1. PRG = initializeProgram
2. MProc = initializeProgramModel
3. /* Build the model of monitoring program using backward inference, TargetM and CurrentM are swapped*/
4. MProc = DirectProgramSynthesis(maxLevel, MProc, TargetM, CurrentM)
5. MProg = reproduceTransitionSequences(MProc)
6. /* Build the model of the monitoring program according to the synthesized structure */
7. for each l in [(maxLevel-1)..0] do
8. for each i in [0.. MProc.AchievedWith[l].length] do
9. z = getFunKind(MProc.AchievedWith[l][i])
10. v = getFunType(MProc.AchievedWith[l][i])
11. MProg.StructureElements[l] = add(MProg.StructureElements[l], buildStructureElement(z, v))
12. End
13. for each i in [0.. MProc.AchivedWhile[l].length] do
14. conditions = MProc.AchivedWhile[l][i]
15. MProg.Condition[l] = add(MProg.Condition[l], buildConditions(conditions))
16. end
17. MProg.Program[l] = buildProgramForLevel(MProg.StructureElements[l], MProg.Condition[l])
18. /* transform program structure elements of each level to the resulting program structure */
19. PRG = buildProgram(PRG, MProg.Program[l])
20. end
21. return PRG