Fig 3. Mandible power-amplification mechanisms and associated ecomorphological diversity have evolved repeatedly from gripping ancestors in Strumigenys.
(A) The dated maximum likelihood phylogeny of 470 Strumigenys species, annotated with estimated locations of the evolutionary transitions to power amplification (white circles, with numbers indexing the different events, not the number of transitions on each branch), and ancestral state estimations of 3 mandible morphs inferred through stochastic character mapping. Tips are annotated with mandible index (mandible length relative to head length) and latch angle (how wide the mandibles open when they reach the latch position). See S3–S5 Figs for trees with detailed annotations and S2, S3 Figs for ancestral state reconstructions with different model assumptions. (B) Comparison of mandible morphs across the world based on segmented X-ray micro-CT imagery, annotated by the LaMSA evolution event (white circle, corresponding to tree). (C) Pathways to ecomorphological diversity through evolution and dispersal among regions inferred with ancestral state estimation (also see S8 Fig).