Fig 2. A mutation in the Bx1-gene suppresses root-type–specific benzoxazinoid accumulation independently of root sugars.
(A) Concentrations of benzoxazinoids in embryonic and postembryonic roots of WT B73 and bx1 mutant plants (n = 11–18). For an expanded panel of residual benzoxazinoid concentrations in the bx1 mutant, see S2 Fig. (B) Concentrations of glucose, fructose, and sucrose in embryonic and postembryonic roots of WT B73 and bx1 mutant plants (n = 8). Letters indicate significant differences in total amounts between root types and genotypes (p < 0.05, Holm–Sidak post hoc tests). Asterisks indicate significant differences in the concentrations of individual compounds between postembryonic and embryonic roots (p < 0.05, Holm–Sidak post hoc tests). Error bars denote SEM. Underlying data can be found in S1 Data. SEM, standard errors of means; WT, wild-type.