A) Design of the experiment in diploid cells: we induced a single DSB in diploid cells harboring Rad52 endogenously fused to Halo (both Rad52 alleles are fused to Halo) as well as an I-
SceI cut site at one of the 2
LYS2 locus inducible under galactose promoter. The DSB is induced for 2 hr and fluorogenic JF646 dyes are added to the medium during the last hour of incubation prior visualization by SPT. Individual Rad52-Halo/JF646 are tracked at 20 ms time intervals (50 Hz), during 1000 frames. Only S/G2 cells harboring a Rad52 focus are analyzed. (
B) Probability Density Function (PDF) of Rad52-Halo/JF646 molecules in diploid S/G2-phase cells in the presence of a single DSB. The time interval is 20 ms. Green: Rad52 data (15 cells, 1082 trajectories); Black: 1-population fit; Red: 2-population fit; Yellow: 3-population fit. (
C) Probability Density Function in the nucleus of haploid
versus diploid cells harboring a Rad52 focus after 2 hr of DSB induction. Blue: haploid cells; Red: diploid cells. The lines indicate a 3-populations fit of the experimental data (p=0.67 in haploids and p=0.34 in diploids, 2-sided KS test). Rad52 mobility in diploid cells is slightly lower than in haploid (p=0.96, t2-sided KS test, panel
C). Difference of mobility between haploid and diploid cells has been also observed in the case of chromatin tracking at
URA3 (
Miné-Hattab et al., 2017), or could be due the fact that diploid and haploid cells are not at the same stage of HR. (
D) Mean Square Displacement (MSD) curve of Rad52/Halo/JF646 molecules inside foci cells after 2 hr of DSB induction. Blue: haploid cells; Red: diploid cells. The dotted line shows a fit of the MSD with a confined model (see Materials and methods).