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. 2020 Aug 25;202(18):e00277-20. doi: 10.1128/JB.00277-20

FIG 7.


Differential expression of lapA and mapA genes in a biofilm. (A) Schematic of adhesin reporter construction indicating the promoter and the gene encoding the fluorescent protein gene. PlapA is driving the expression of the green fluorescent protein gene, and PmapA is driving the expression of the mRuby gene. Both fluorescent protein genes have a transcriptional terminator of the rrnB gene from E. coli downstream of the genes to prevent transcriptional readthrough. (B) Confocal image of a biofilm grown in a microfluidic device. The image of a 96-h biofilm was taken with a 40× oil immersion lens objective. Green is the GFP channel excited by a 488-nm laser and indicates lapA-expressing cells. Magenta is the mRuby channel excited by a 560-nm laser and indicates mapA-expressing cells. Shown is a representative image taken from one of two biological replicates.